About a year ago (possibly longer) I decided to set myself a new creative challenge. Something out of the ordinary, that would take me out of my comfort zone. Working in and around Watford I’d often seen the thousands of Watford fans walking merrily along Vicarage Rd on match day. The entire road would be filled with fans, shoulder to shoulder.
So I wondered if I could somehow illustrate that section of Vicarage Rd. I set to it, and in the end decided to focus entirely on the stadium – as it became apparent just how physically large it is. I doubled down on the colours and the detail and became slightly (very) obsessed. Once I had finished my little creation I wondered if the club would like to see it – or possibly develop it into a product.
After a few exploratory emails and calls, I’m very happy to say a framed version of the Vicarage Road Stadium illustration is now for sale on the Hornets Website.
To say I’m happy is an understatement! I’d like to express my huge thanks to the club for including my work in their shop.